Department of Psychosomatic Research
National Institute of Mental Health,
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan
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Tetsuya Ando^Atsushi Sekiguchi^Chisato Ohara^Hitomi Kawanishi

Hitomi Kawanishi, M.A.

Research Fellow, Clinical Psychologist

M.A. 2014 Faculty of Human Science, Waseda University

Major Research Interests:

Cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosomatic disorder

Healing and recovery process of patients with Irritable bowel syndrome

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Selected recent publications:

Kawanishi H, Tsujiuchi T, Fujii Y, Nomura S: Qualitative study of the healing and recovery process of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Deliberations using Trajectory Equifinalty Model(TEM). Jpn Psychosom Med vol.57 no.1 pp.59-68C2017.1.

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Selected recent presentation:

Kawanishi H, Funaba M, Fujii Y, Ando T : Introduction of CBT program using adjunctive psychoeducational videos for patients with IBS. 1st Annual Mental Health Meeting of NCMH-IMH-NCNP and International Symposium.2017.3.

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© 2011 Department of Psychosomatic Research.