

  1. 三宅雄大、三澤日出己、村松里衣子:老化した肝臓がもたらす認知機能の低下、日本薬理学雑誌, 159(1): 69.


  1. McNamara NB, Munro DAD, Bestard-Cuche N, Uyeda A, Bogie JFJ, Hoffmann A, Holloway RK, Molina-Gonzalez I, Askew KE, Mitchell S, Mungall W, Dodds M, Dittmayer C, Moss J, Rose J, Szymkowiak S, Amann L, McColl BW, Prinz M, Spires-Jones TL, Stenzel W, Horsburgh K, Hendriks JJA, Pridans C, Muramatsu R, Williams A, Priller J, Miron VE. Microglia regulate central nervous system myelin growth and integrity. Nature 613, 120-129
  2. Nakano S, Uyeda A, Matsunaga Y, Muramatsu R. Phenotypic and transcriptional characterization of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in a 3D culture. Biomaterials Science 11, 2860-2869
  3. Gilabert D, Duveau A, Carracedo S, Linck N, Langla A, Grutter T, Muramatsu R, Koch-Nolte F, Fossat P, Boué-Grabot E, Ulmann L. Microglial P2X4 receptors is essential for spinal neurons hyperexcitability and tactile allodynia in male and female neuropathic mice. iScience
  4. Maruyama T, Tanabe S, Uyeda A, Suzuki T, Muramatsu R. Free fatty acids support oligodendrocyte survival in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
  5. Alcaidea D, Cacheuxa J, Bancaud A, Muramatsu R, Matsunaga Y. Solute transport in the brain tissue: what are the key biophysical parameters tying in vivo and in vitro studies together? Biomaterials Science
  6. 米津好乃、三澤日出巳、村松里衣子:髄鞘修復における臓器間ネットワークの役割、月刊「細胞」


  1. Bhattacharyya A, Torre P, Yadav P, Boostanpour K, Chen TY, Tsukui T, Sheppard D, Muramatsu R, Seed RI, Nishimura SL, Jung JB, Tang XZ, Allen CDC, *Bhattacharya M. Macrophage Cx43 is necessary for fibroblast cytosolic calcium and lung fibrosis after injury. Frontiers in Immunology 13, 880887.
  2. Uenaka M, Uyeda A, Nakahara T, *Muramatsu R. LPA2 promotes neuronal differentiation and neurite formation in neocortical development. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 598, 89-94
  3. Yonezu Y, Tanabe S, Misawa H, *Muramatsu R. Lysophosphatidic acid stimulates pericyte migration via LPA receptor 1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 618, 61-66
  4. Quan L, Uyeda A, Muramatsu R. Central nervous system regeneration: the roles of glial cells in the potential molecular mechanism underlying remyelination. Inflammation and Regeneration 42, 7
  5. 田辺章悟、平林峻太朗、村松里衣子:アルツハイマー病における免疫系細胞の多様性とその役割、医学のあゆみ、282,1, 9 - 13, 2022
  6. 中野静香、村松里衣子、松永行子:中枢神経疾患研究のためのin vitroシステムデザイン、生産研究、74, 147-151, 2022
  7. 山岸浩、米津好乃、三澤日出巳、村松里衣子:Wnt7aK190A変異体の同定と血液脳関門の修復作用、日本薬理学雑誌157(6): 474.


  1. Ito M, *Muramatsu R, Kato Y, Sharma B, Uyeda A, Tanabe S, Fujimura H, Kidoya H, Takakura N, Kawahara Y, Takao M, Mochizuki H, Fukamizu A, Yamashita T. Age-dependent decline in remyelination capacity is mediated by apelin–APJ signaling. Nature Aging 1, 284–294.
  2. Sugeno A, Ishikawa Y, Ohshima T, Muramatsu R. Simple methods for the lesion detection and severity grading of diabetic retinopathy by image processing and transfer learning. Computers in biology and medicine 137, 104795-104795.
  3. Uyeda A, Quan L, Kato Y, Muramatsu N, Tanabe S, Sakai K, Ichinohe N, Kawahara Y, Suzuki T, *Muramatsu R. DDAH1 as a novel regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation in the central nervous system remyelination. Glia 69, 2591-2604.
  4. Takanezawa Y, Tanabe S, Kato D, Ozeki R, Komoda M, Suzuki T, Baba H, *Muramatsu R. Microglial ASD-related genes are involved in oligodendrocyte differentiation. Scientific Reports 11, 17825.
  5. Saitoh S.S, Tanabe S, *Muramatsu R. Circulating factors that influence the central nervous system remyelination. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 62, 130-136.
  6. 田辺 章悟、村松 里衣子:脳内免疫システムによる脳発達の 制御機構と病態への応用、日本薬理学雑誌、156(2): 81-84.
  7. 米津好乃、三澤日出巳、村松里衣子:血液を介した臓器連関ネットワークによる神経回路修復の制御、実験医学増刊「神経免疫メカニズムと疾患」39: 86-92.
  8. 樋口京香、村松里衣子:神経回路の修復における血管周囲細胞の寄与、日本薬理学雑誌, 156(6): 403.


  1. Ozaki T, *Muramatsu R, Nakamura H, Kinoshita M, Kishima H, Yamashita T. Proteomic analysis of protein changes in plasma by balloon test occlusion. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience.72:397-401.
  2. Uyeda A, *Muramatsu R. Molecular mechanisms of central nervous system axonal regeneration and remyelination: a review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21:8116.
  3. 植田尭子、村松里衣子:神経回路の修復メカニズム、Annual Review 神経2020、45-50.
  4. 菅野彩佳、大島登志男、村松里衣子:中枢神経回路の修復メカニズム、Precision Medicine、3: 50-52.
  5. 米津好乃、三澤日出巳、村松里衣子:脂質代謝調節による神経再生への寄与、日本薬理学雑誌、155(5): 354.
  6. 田辺章悟:リンパ球が脳の発達を促すメカニズム、Clinical Neuroscience、38:254-255.


  1. Hamaguchi M, *Muramatsu R, Fujimura H, Mochizuki H, Kataoka H, Yamashita T. Circulating transforming growth factor-beta1 facilitates remyelination in the adult central nervous system. eLife. 8:e41869.
  2. Yamamiya M, Tanabe S, Muramatsu R. Microglia promote the proliferation of neural precursor cells by secreting osteopontin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 513(4):841-845.
  3. Takarada-Iemata M, Westenskow P, Muramatsu R. Neurovascular interaction. Neurochemistry International. 129:104506.
  4. 村松里衣子:血管系と中枢神経回路修復の関係、実験医学、13, 2117-2121.
  5. 村松里衣子:脳神経回路の修復における臓器の連関の役割、領域融合レビュー、8, e001.
  6. 村松里衣子:脳神経回路の傷害と修復を司る生体システムの解明、日本薬理学雑誌、154(6), 340-344.
  7. 田辺章悟、村松里衣子:ミクログリアのサブタイプと脳機能、日本薬理学雑誌、153(4), 199.
  8. 石井智裕、村松里衣子:脊髄損傷後の神経回路再生におけるぺリサイトの役割、日本薬理学雑誌、153(5), 249.


  1. Csóka B, Németh ZH, Szabó I, Davies DL, Varga ZV, Pálóczi J, Falzoni S, Di Virgilio F, Muramatsu R, Yamashita T, Pacher P, *Haskó G. Macrophage P2X4 receptors augment bacterial killing and protect against sepsis. JCI Insight. 3(11). pii: 99431.
  2. Nakasone A, *Muramatsu R, Kato Y, Kawahara Y, Yamashita T. (2018) Myotube-derived factor promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell proliferation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 500(3):609-613.
  3. Lin H, *Muramatsu R, Maedera N, Tsunematsu H, Hamaguchi M, Koyama Y, Kuroda M, Ono K, Sawada M, Yamashita T. Extracellular Lactate Dehydrogenase A Release From Damaged Neurons Drives Central Nervous System Angiogenesis. EBioMedicine. 27:71-85.
  4. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経系における多臓器連関の意義、生化学、90: 499-501.


  1. Kuroda M, *Muramatsu R, Maedera N, Koyama Y, Hamaguchi M, Fujimura H, Yoshida M, Konishi M, Itoh N, Mochizuki H, *Yamashita T. (2017) Peripherally derived FGF21 promotes remyelination in the central nervous system. J. Clin. Invest. 127(9):3496-3509.
  2. Matoba K, *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2017) Leptin sustains spontaneous remyelination in the adult central nervous system. Scientific Reports. 7, 40397.
  3. Kuroda M, *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2017) Cardiomyocyte-released factors stimulate oligodendrocyte precursor cells proliferation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 482(4), 1160-1164.
  4. Ozaki T, *Muramatsu R, Sasai M, Yamamoto M, Kubota Y, Fujinaka T, Yoshimine T, *Yamashita T. (2016) The P2X4 receptor is required for neuroprotection via ischemic preconditioning. Scientific Reports. 6, 25893.
  5. *Muramatsu R, Kuroda M, Matoba K, Lin H, Takahashi C, Koyama Y, *Yamashita T. (2015) Prostacyclin prevents pericyte loss and demyelination induced by lysophosphatidylcholine in the central nervous system. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 11515-11525.
  6. Miyake S, *Muramatsu R, Hamaguchi M, *Yamashita T. (2015) Prolyl hydroxylase regulates axonal rewiring and motor recovery after traumatic brain injury. Cell Death Dis. 6, e1638.
  7. Sumimoto S, *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2015) Thromboxane A2 stimulates neurite outgrowth in cerebral cortical neurons via mitogen activated protein kinase signaling. Brain Res. 1594,46-51.
  8. Sumimoto S, *Muramatsu R, Fujii S, *Yamashita T. (2014) Vascular endothelial cells promote cortical neurite outgrowth via an integrin beta3-dependent mechanism. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 450, 593-597.
  9. Takahashi C, *Muramatsu R, Fujimura H, Mochizuki H, *Yamashita T. (2013) Prostacyclin promotes oligodendrocyte precursor recruitment and remyelination after spinal cord demyelination. Cell Death Dis. 4, e795.
  10. Muramatsu R, Takahashi C, Miyake S, Fujimura H, Mochizuki H, *Yamashita T. (2012) Angiogenesis induced by CNS inflammation promotes neuronal remodeling through vessel-derived prostacyclin. Nat. Med. 18, 1658-1664.
  11. Koyama R, Tao K, Sasaki T, Ichikawa J, Miyamoto D, Muramatsu R, Matsuki N, *Ikegaya Y. (2012) GABAergic excitation after febrile seizures induces ectopic granule cells and adult epilepsy. Nat. Med. 18, 1271-1278.
  12. Muramatsu R, Kubo T, Mori M, Nakamura Y, Fujita Y, Akutsu T, Okuno T, Taniguchi J, Kumanogoh A, Yoshida M, Mochizuki H, Kuwabara S, *Yamashita T. (2011) RGMa modulates T cell responses and is involved in autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nat. Med. 17, 488-494.
  13. Sanuki R, Onishi A, Koike C, Muramatsu R, Watanabe S, Muranishi Y Irie S, Ueno S, Koyasu T, Matsui R, Cherasse Y, Urade Y, Watanabe D, Kondo M, Yamashita T, *Furukawa T. (2011) miR-124a is required for hippocampal axogenesis and retinal cone survival through Lhx2 suppression. Nat. Neurosci. 14, 1125-1134.
  14. Muramatsu R, Nakahara S, Ichikawa J, Watanabe K, Matsuki N, *Koyama R. The ratio of ‘deleted in colorectal cancer’ to ‘uncoordinated-5A’ netrin-1 receptors on the growth cone regulates mossy fibre directionality. Brain. 133, 60-75.
  15. Uesugi N, *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2009) Endothelin promotes neurite elongation by a mechanism dependent on c-Jun N-terminal kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 383, 509-512.
  16. Muramatsu R, Ikegaya Y, Matsuki N, *Koyama R. (2008) Early-life status epilepticus induces ectopic granule cells in adult mice dentate gyrus. Exp. Neurol. 211, 503-510.
  17. Muramatsu R, Ikegaya Y, Matsuki N, *Koyama R. (2007) Neonatally born granule cells numerically dominate adult mice dentate gyrus. Neuroscience. 148, 593-598.
  18. Ichikawa J, Yamada R.X, Muramatsu R, Ikegaya Y, Matsuki N, *Koyama R. (2007) Cryopreservation of granule cells from the postnatal rat hippocampus. J. Pharmacol. Sci. 104, 387-391.
  19. Koyama R, Muramatsu R, Sasaki T, Kimura R, Ueyama C, Tamura M, Tamura N, Ichikawa J, Takahashi N, Usami A, Yamada M.K, Matsuki N, *Ikegaya Y. (2007) A low-cost method for brain slice cultures. J. Pharmacol. Sci. 104, 191-194.
  20. Shibuya Y, Hirasawa N, Sakai T, Togashi Y, Muramatsu R, Ishii K, Yamashita M, Takayanagi M, *Ohuchi K. (2004) Negative regulation of the protein kinase C activator-induced ICAM-1 expression in the human bronchial epithelial cell line NCI-H292 by p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Life Sci. 75, 435-446.


  1. Hamaguchi M, *Muramatsu R, Matoba K, Maedera N, *Yamashita T. (2017) Lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination model of mouse. Protocol Exchange. doi:10.1038/protex.2017.121.
  2. Matoba K, *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2017) The role of leptin in the central nervous system remyelination. Receptors & Clinical Investigation. 4, e1583.
  3. *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2014) Pericyte function in the physiological central nervous system. Neurosci. Res. 81-82, 38-41.
  4. *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2014) Concept and molecular basis of axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury. Neurosci Res. 78, 45-49.
  5. *Muramatsu R, *Yamashita T. (2010) Molecular mechanism underlying the inhibition of axonal regeneration after CNS injury. Neurochemistry: Molecular Aspects, Cellular Aspects and Clinical Applications. 247-250.
  6. *Muramatsu R, Ueno M, *Yamashita T. (2009) Intrinsic regenerative mechanisms of central nervous system neurons. BioscienceTrend. 3, 179-183.


  1. 濱口真慈、村松里衣子、山下俊英:ミエリン、脳内環境辞典、メディカルドゥ社、88-89、2017
  2. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経炎症からの再生メカニズム、Annual Review神経 2014、中外医学社、2014
  3. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経傷害後の皮質脊髄路の再編成と機能回復のメカニズ ム、脳21、16: 42-45、2013
  4. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:病態モデルと神経-血管相互作用、血管医学、メディカルレビュー社、2013
  5. 村松里衣子:新生血管による神経回路修復機構の解明、神経化学、52: 45-47、2013
  6. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:多発性硬化症への新規治療戦略、ファルマシア、48: 935-939、2012
  7. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経回路の障害と修復を制御する生体システム、脳21
  8. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:新生した血管から放出されるプロスタサイクリンは神経回路の再生を促進する、ライフサイエンス 新着論文レビュー、2012
  9. 村松里衣子:多発性硬化症における神経症状の悪化および寛解機構の解析、神経化学 50: 289-292、2011
  10. 村松里衣子:多発性硬化症における神経組織の保護・再生に関わる分子機構の研究、アレルギア 40: 83-95、2011
  11. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:RGMはT細胞活性化を制御し、自己免疫性脳脊髄炎に関与する、ライフサイエンス 新着論文レビュー、2011
  12. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:多発性硬化症とRepulsive guidance molecule、脳21、4: 401-404、2011
  13. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経回路の再編、日本薬理学雑誌、134: 46-47、2009
  14. 村松里衣子、山下俊英:中枢神経損傷後の機能回復と神経回路の修復機構、再生医療、7: 371-374、2008