脳情報計測 ・ 制御研究室 (第一研究室)
室長(併任) 花川 隆 博士(医学)
Takashi HANAKAWA, MD, Ph.D.
徳島県出身。1991年に京都大学医学部を卒業、医師免許取得。1996年まで京都大学医学部附属病院と天理よろづ相談所病院で臨床研修。パーキンソン病逆説歩行の病態解明により1999年京都大学大学院医学研究科脳統御医科学系特例早期修了(柴崎 浩教授)。NIH Intramural Competitive Fellowship Awardの支援を受け米国国立保健研究所臨床研究員(Dr Mark Hallett)として運動想像と実行の神経基盤を研究。京都大学医学研究科附属脳機能総合研究センター助教を経て現職。2008年に日本神経科学会奨励賞、同年より科学技術振興機構さきがけ研究者兼任。2011年より、脳病態統合イメージングセンター(IBIC)分子イメージング研究部長に就任し、本研究室長を併任。現在の主な研究テーマは、多次元同時神経回路イメージング技術開発、ブレイン・マシン・インターフェイス、身体制御と認知制御メカニズムの統合的理解に基づく精神・神経疾患の病態解明。神経内科専門医・指導医、総合内科専門医。
hanakawa@ncnp.go.jp (@を半角に変換してください)
- 1991 京都大学医学部卒業
- 1999 京都大学医学部大学院医学研究科脳統御医科学系修了(医学博士)
- 2000 National Institute of Health (NIH) Clinical Fellow
- 2002 京都大学医学部大学院医学研究科 助手
- 2005 国立精神・神経センター神経研究所疾病研究七部第一研究室 室長
- 2008 科学技術振興機構さきがけ 研究員(兼任)
- 2011 国立精神・神経医療研究センター脳病態統合イメージングセンター
- (IBIC)分子イメージング研究部 部長、本研究室長併任。
- 平成15-16年 科研費若手研究B:認知と運動を結ぶネットワークにおける解剖的機能的連関の研究
- 平成15年 6回人間とコンパニオンアニマルの関係学研究奨学金:人間とコンパニオンアニマルの関係に伴う認知情動機構の脳内表現
- 平成17-19年 科研費基盤研究C:脳機能画像を用いた高次歩行制御及びその異常による歩行障害の病態に関する研究
- 平成18年 磁気健康科学振興財団研究助成金:拡散強調磁気共鳴画像同時記録を用いた経頭蓋磁気刺激による脳活動変化の測定
- 平成18-19年 科研費特定領域研究・移動知:ヒト二足歩行の環境適応メカニズムの多角的解明
- 平成19年 武田科学振興財団:脳領域間連関イメージング技術を用いた大脳白質病変に伴う高次脳機能障害の定量的診断法開発
- 平成20ー21年 科研費特定領域研究・統合脳:多角的イメージングによる系列操作の神経基盤の統合的解明
- 平成20ー21年 科研費特定領域研究・移動知:多角的計測に基づく歩行の環境適応メカニズムの計算論的理解
- 平成20ー25年 JST戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ):BMI学習に伴う可塑性の非侵襲多角計測
- Hanakawa T, Mima T, Matsumoto R, Abe M, Inouchi M, Urayama S, Anami K, Honda M, Fukuyama H: Stimulus-response profile during single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex. Cereb Cortex 19(11): 2605-15, 2009.(経頭蓋磁気刺激、表面筋電図と磁気共鳴機能画像の同時計測系を開発し、一次運動野に対する単発TMS強度が運動誘発電位と誘発脳活動に与える影響を明らかにした)
- Hanakawa T, Dimyan MA, Hallett M: Motor planning, imagery and execution: a time-course study with functional MRI. Cereb Cortex 18(12):2775-88, 2008.(運動計画、運動想像と運動実行に関わる脳活動を分離し、運動想像に伴う脳活動は運動実行よりも運動計画に伴う脳活動との類似性が高いことを示した)
- Abe M, Hanakawa T, Takayama Y, Kuroki C, Ogawa S, Fukuyama H: Functional coupling of human prefrontal and premotor areas during cognitive manipulation. J Neurosci 27(13):3429-3438, 2007.(選択的注意と認知系列生成の統合が必要な場合には前頭前野と運動前野吻側部の機能連関が増加することを明らかにした)
- Crinion J, Turner R, Grogan A, Hanakawa T, Noppeney U, Devlin JT, Aso T, Urayama S, Fukuyama H, Stockton K, Usui K, Green D, Price CJ: Language control in the bilingual brain. Science 312(5779): 1537-40, 2006.(バイリンガルが使用する言語を切り替える際に尾状核が切り替えスイッチ的な役割を果たしていることを示した)
- Le Bihan D, Urayama S, Aso T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H. Direct and fast detection of neuronal activation in the human brain with diffusion MRI. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(21): 8263-8268, 2006.(拡散強調MRI画像による新しい機能イメージング手法を提案した)
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Neural correlates underlying mental calculation in abacus experts: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage 19(2 Pt1):296-307, 2003.(そろばん暗算達人暗算中の脳活動が両半球対称性であることを示した)
- Hanakawa T, Immisch I, Toma K, Dimyan MA, van Gelderen P, Hallett M: Functional properties of brain areas associated with motor execution and imagery. J Neurophysiol 89(2):989-1002, 2003(運動想像と運動実行に伴う脳活動は機能傾斜を示しながら運動関連脳領域に分布することを示した)
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Okada T, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Yonekura Y, Shibasaki H: The role of rostral Brodmann area 6 in mental operation tasks: an integrative neuroimaging approach. Cereb Cortex 12(11):1157-1170, 2002.(従来運動のみに関わると考えられていた運動前野吻側部が暗算などの認知課題中にも活動すること明らかにした)
- Hanakawa T, Katsumi Y, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Honda M, Kimura J, Shibasaki H: Mechanisms underlying gait disturbance in Parkinson's disease: a single photon emission computed tomography study. Brain 122(7):1271-82, 1999.(パーキンソン歩行の病態に補足運動野の活動低下が関わることを明らかにした)
- Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Katsumi Y, Honda M, Shibasaki H: Enhanced lateral premotor activity during paradoxical gait in Parkinson's disease. Ann Neurol 45(3):329-36, 1999.(横線などの視覚刺激によるパーキンソン歩行の改善に運動前野の活動上昇が伴うことを明らかにした)
- Hanakawa T: Rostral premotor cortex as a gateway between the cognitive and motor networks. Neurosci Res 2011 Mar 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abe M and Hanakawa T: Functional coupling underlying motor and cognitive functions of the dorsal premotor cortex. Behav Brain Res 198(1): 13-23, 2009.
- Hanakawa T: Neuroimaging of standing and walking: Special emphasis on parkinsonian gait. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 12 Suppl 2:S70-5, 2006.
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Hallett M: Amodal imagery in rostral premotor areas. Behav Brain Sci 27(3):406-407, 2004.
- 花川 隆:多次元神経イメージングの神経ネットワーク研究への応用. 神経内科 74(4): 406-409, 2011.
- 花川 隆:パーキンソン病の思考緩慢―bradyphrenia. 神経内科 74(1): 53-57, 2011.
- 井関一海、花川 隆:脳機能イメージングによるヒト歩行制御メカニズムの解明―大脳基底核皮質回路の役割を中心に.BRAIN and NERVE 62(11): 1157-1164, 2010.
- 花川 隆:脳と環境の新しいインターフェイスに潜む謎.岩波科学 80(4), 410-414, 2010.
- 花川 隆:歩行制御と神経可塑性.MB Medical Rehabilitation 118, 25-29, 2010.
- 花川 隆:運動計画における前頭前野と運動前野の役割.Clinical Neuroscience 27(7): 799-802, 2009.
- 花川 隆:脳機能イメージングによるヒト二足歩行の中枢神経制御機構の解明.Equilibrium Research 68(3): 176-182, 2009.
- 花川 隆:基底核と認知.分子精神医学 8(4):16-22, 2008.
- 田中悟志、花川 隆、本田 学:達人の脳内機構.BRAIN and NERVE 60(3): 257-262, 2008.
- 花川 隆:道具としての脳計測技術:脳機能画像解析入門.計測と制御 46(10): 790-795, 2007.
- 花川 隆:歩行と大脳皮質基底核連関 Brain Medical 19(4): 41-47,2007.
- 花川 隆、本田 学:“頭の回転の速さ”の脳内メカニズムを探る.脳と神経 58(7): 538-92, 2006.
- 花川 隆、美馬達哉:経頭蓋磁気刺激と脳機能画像の同時計測.臨床脳波 48(11): 665-670, 2006.
- 花川 隆、川崎敬一、橋川一雄、福山秀直:パーキンソン病の機能的画像診断.日本臨床 62(9): 1733-1738, 2005.
- 花川 隆:基底核と歩行調節.シリーズ移動知 第2巻 身体適応-歩行運動のシステムバイオメカニクス.編.オーム社、東京 2010: pp81-89.
- 花川 隆:歩行調節の異常と歩行障害.シリーズ移動知 第2巻 身体適応-歩行運動のシステムバイオメカニクス.編.オーム社、東京 2010: pp 90-97.
- 花川 隆、福山秀直: パーキンソン病の脳機能画像.Annual Review神経2004.柳澤信夫、篠原幸人、岩田誠、清水輝夫、寺本明 編.中外医学社、東京 2004:pp 210-220.
- 花川 隆、柴崎 浩: 脳機能画像.脳神経科学.伊藤正男、金澤一郎、篠田義一、廣川信隆、御子柴克彦、宮下保司 編.三輪書店、東京 2003: pp. 376-384.
- 本田 学、花川 隆:脳のイメージ機能.認知科学の新展開 第4巻 イメージと認知.乾 敏郎、安西祐一郎 編、岩波書店、東京 2001: pp 128-170.
- Tanaka S, Takeda K, Otaka Y, Kita K, Osu R, Honda M, Sadato N, Hanakawa T*, Watanabe K* (* equal contribution). Single session of transcranial direct-current stimulation transiently increases knee extensor force in patients with hemiparetic stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair (in press)
- Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Inouchi M, Takaya S, Matsumoto R, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Mikuni N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R: Amygdalar enlargement in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010 Nov 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Shitara H, Shinozaki T, Takagishi K, Honda M, Hanakawa T: Time course and spatial distribution of fMRI signal changes during single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex. Neuroimage 56(3): 1469-1479, 2011.
- Naito E, Matsumoto R, Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Tomimoto H, Hanakawa T: Importance of precentral gyrus in human kinesthesia: A single case study. Neurocase 17(2):133-147, 2011.
- 笠原和美、田中悟志、渡邊克巳、花川 隆、本田学:複数日連続した経頭蓋直流電気刺激により電極直下の皮膚に発赤を生じた2例.臨床神経生理 第39巻 第1号24-7, 2011.
- Aso K, Hanakawa T, Aso T, Fukuyama H: Cerebro-cerebellar interactions underlying temporal information processing. J Cogn Neurosci 22(12):2913-25, 2010.
- Tanaka S, Honda M, Hanakawa T, Cohen LG: Differential contribution of the supplementary motor area to stabilization of a procedural motor skill acquired through different practice schedules. Cereb Cortex 20(9):2114-21, 2010.
- Iseki K, Hanakawa T, Hashikawa K, Tomimoto H, Nankaku M, Yamauchi H, Hallett M, Fukuyama H: Gait disturbance associated with white matter changes: a gait analysis and blood flow study. Neuroimage 49: 1659-1666, 2010.
- Oshio R, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Sokabe M, Hanakawa T, Honda M: Differential effect of double-pulse TMS applied to dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus during internal operation of visuospatial information. Neuroimage 49(1):1108-15, 2010.
- Tanaka S, Hanakawa T, Honda M, Watanabe K: Enhancement of leg motor power by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation. Exp Brain Res 196(3):459-65, 2009.
- Iseki K, Ikeda A, Kihara T, Kawamoto Y, Mezaki T, Hanakawa T, Hashikawa K, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Impairment of the cortical GABAergic inhibitory system in catatonic stupor: a case report with neuroimaging. Epileptic Disord 11(2):126-31, 2009.
- Hanakawa T, Mima T, Matsumoto R, Abe M, Inouchi M, Urayama S, Anami K, Honda M, Fukuyama H: Stimulus-response profile during single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex. Cereb Cortex 19(11): 2605-15, 2009.
- Toda H, Sawamoto N, Hanakawa T, Saiki H, Matsumoto S, Okumura R, M, Ishikawa M, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: A novel composite targeting method using high-field magnetic resonance imaging for subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. J Neurosurg 111(4):737-45, 2009.
- Tsubomi H, Ikeda T, Hanakawa T, Hirose N, Fukuyama H, Osaka N: Parieto-occipital connectivity predicts top-down attentional effect in visual masking: an fMRI study with individual differences approach. Neuroimage 45(2):587-97, 2009.
- Lerner A, Bagic A, Hanakawa T, Boudreau EA, Pagan F, Mari Z, Bara-Jimenez W, Aksu M, Sato S, Murphy DL, Hallett M: Is the insula responsible for suppression of natural urges? Cereb Cortex 19(1):218-23, 2009.
- Yamamoto T, Takahashi S, Hanakawa T, Urayama S, Fukuyama H, Ejima Y: The stereokinetic effect reveals different roles of the lateral occipito-temporal and parietal cortex for 3-D perception from motion: An fMRI study. J Vis 8(10):14, 1-17, 2008.
- Matsumoto R, Okada T, Mikuni N, Mitsueda T, Taki J, Sawamoto N, Hanakawa T, Miki Y, Ikeda A, Hashimoto N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R: Hemispheric asymmetry of the arcuate fasciculus in patients with unilateral language dominancy defined by Wada test. J Neurol 255(11): 1703-11, 2008.
- Namiki C, Yamada M, Yoshida H, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Murai T: High resolution MRI revealed small orbitofrontal traumatic lesions responsible for behavioral changes. Neurocase 14(6):474-9, 2008.
- Hanakawa T, Dimyan MA, Hallett M: Motor planning, imagery and execution: a time-course study with functional MRI. Cereb Cortex 18(12):2775-88, 2008.
- Iseki K, Hanakawa T, Shinozaki J, Nankaku M, Fukuyama H: Neural mechanisms involved in observation and imagery of gait movement. Neuroimage 41(3):1021-31, 2008.
- Hanakawa T, Dimyan MA, Hallett M: The representation of blinking movement in cingulate motor areas: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Cereb Cortex 18(4):930-7, 2008.
- Fushimi Y, Miki Y, Okada T, Yamamoto A, Mori N, Hanakawa T, Urayama SI, Aso T, Fukuyama H, Kikuta KI, Togashi K: Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity: comparison between 3.0-T and 1.5-T diffusion tensor imaging with parallel imaging using histogram and region of interest analysis. NMR Biomed 20(8):743-8, 2007.
- Namiki C, Hirao K, Yamada M, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Murai T: Impaired facial emotion recognition and reduced amygdale volume in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 156(1): 23-32, 2007.
- Fushimi Y, Miki Y, Urayama SI, Okada T, Mori N, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Togashi K: Gray matter-white matter contrast on spin-echo T1-weighted images at 3 T and 1.5 T: a quantitative comparison study. Eur Radiol 17(11): 2921-5, 2007.
- Shinozaki J, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H: Heterospecific and conspecific social cognition encoded in the anterior cingulate cortex. Neuroreport 18(10): 993-998, 2007.
- Lerner A, Bagic A, Boudreau EA, Hanakawa T, Pagan F, Mari Z, Bara-Jimenez W, Aksu M, Garraux G, Simmons JM, Sato S, Murphy DL, Hallett M: Neuroimaging of neuronal circuits involved in tic generation in patients with Tourette syndrome. Neurology 68(23):1979-87, 2007.
- Mikuni N, Okada T, Enatsu R, Miki Y, Hanakawa T, Urayama S, Kikuta K, Takahashi JA, Nozaki K, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Clinical impact of integrated functional neuronavigation and subcortical electrical stimulation to preserve motor function during resection of brain tumors. J Neurosurg 106(4):593-8, 2007.
- Abe M, Hanakawa T, Takayama Y, Kuroki C, Ogawa S, Fukuyama H: Functional coupling of human prefrontal and premotor areas during cognitive manipulation. J Neurosci 27(13):3429-3438, 2007.
- Sawamoto N, Honda M, Hanakawa T, Aso T, Inoue M, Toyoda H, Ishizu K, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Role of the striatum in cognitive slowing in Parkinson's disease. Neurology 68(13):1062-1068, 2007.
- Aso T, Hanakawa T, Matsuo K, Toma K, Shibasaki H, Fukuyama H, Nakai T: Subregions of human parietal cortex selectively encoding object orientation. Neurosci Lett 415(3):225-230, 2007.
- Yamada M, Namiki C, Hirao K, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Murai T: Social cognition and frontal lobe pathology in schizophrenia: A voxel-based morphometric study. Neuroimage 35(1):292-298, 2007.
- Mikuni N, Okada T, Nishida N, Taki J, Enatsu R, Ikeda A, Miki Y, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Comparison between motor evoked potential recording and fiber tracking for estimating pyramidal tracts near brain tumors. J Neurosurg 106(1):128-133, 2007.
- Yamamoto A, Miki Y, Urayama S, Fushimi Y, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Togashi K: Diffusion tensor fiber tractography of the optic radiation: analysis with 6-, 12-, 40- and 81-directional motion probing gradients; a preliminary study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 28(1):92-96, 2007.
- Mikuni N, Oakada T, Taki J, Matsumoto R, Nishida N, Enatsu R, Hanakawa T, Ikeda A, Miki Y, Urayama SI, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Fibers from the dorsal premotor cortex elicit motor-evoked potential in a cortical dysplasia. Neuroimage 34(1):12-18, 2007.
- Takaya S, Hanakawa T, Hashikawa K, Ikeda A, Sawamoto N, Nagamine T, Ishizu K, Fukuyama H: Prefrontal hypofunction in patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 67: 1674-6, 2006.
- Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Fushimi Y, Ishizu K, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Miki Y, Fukuyama H, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N: “Target bypass”: a method for preoperative targeting of a recipient artery in superficial temporal artery-to-middle cerebral artery anastomoses. Neurosurgery 59(4) (Operative Neurosurgery Suppl 2): ONS-320-327, 2006.
- Okada T, Miki Y, Mikuni N, Kikuta K, Urayama S, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Togashi K: Diffusion tensor tractography of corticospinal tract using 3-T combined with white matter stimulation mapping: an integrated approach to validate the corticospinal tract localization. Radiology 240(3): 849-57, 2006.
- Fukui H, Murai T, Shinozaki J, Aso T, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Hanakawa T: The neural basis of social tactics: An fMRI study. Neuroimage 32: 913-920, 2006.
- Bohlhalter S, Goldfine A, Matteson A, Garraux G, Hanakawa T, Kansaku K, Wurzman R, Hallett M: Neural correlates of tic generation in Tourette syndrome: an event-related functional MRI study. Brain 129(8):2029-37, 2006.
- Callan D, Tsytsarev V, Hanakawa T, Callan A, Katsuhara M, Fukuyama H, Turner R: Perception and covert generation of song and speech. Neuroimage 31(3): 1327-42, 2006.
- Crinion J, Turner R, Grogan A, Hanakawa T, Noppeney U, Devlin JT, Aso T, Urayama S, Fukuyama H, Stockton K, Usui K, Green D, Price CJ: Language control in the bilingual brain. Science 312(5779): 1537-40, 2006.
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Zito G, Dimyan MA, Hallett M: Brain activity during motor behavior triggered by arbitrary cues and spatially-constrained cues: An fMRI study in humans. Exp Brain Res 172(2): 275-282, 2006.
- Le Bihan D, Urayama S, Aso T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H. Direct and fast detection of neuronal activation in the human brain with diffusion MRI. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(21): 8263-8268, 2006.
- Fushimi Y, Miki Y, Kikuta K, Okada T, Kanagaki M, Yamamoto A, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Togashi K: Comparison of 3.0- and 1.5-T three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography in moyamoya disease: a preliminary experience. Radiology 239(1):232-7, 2006.
- Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Nozaki K, Hanakawa T, Okada T, Fushimi Y, Miki Y, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Early experience with 3-tesla magnetic resonance tractography in the surgery of cerebral AVMs in and around the visual pathway. Neurosurgery 58(2):331-7, 2006.
- Garraux G, Goldfine A, Bohlhalter S, Lerner A, Hanakawa T, Hallett M: The midbrain hypothesis in Tourette’s syndrome: a reappraisal using voxel-based morphometry. Ann Neurol 59(2):381-5, 2006.
- Okada T, Miki Y, Fushimi Y, Hanakawa T, Kanagaki M, Yamamoto A, Urayama S, Fukuyama H, Hiraoka M, Togashi K: Diffusion tensor fiber tractography: Intra-individual comparison using 3 T and 1.5 T MRI. Radiology 238(2):668-78, 2006.
- Fridman E, Immisch I, Hanakawa T, Bohlhalter S, Waldvogel D, Kansaku K, Wheaton L , Wu T, Hallett M: The role of the dorsal stream for gesture production. Neuroimage 29(2):417-28, 2006.
- 中川寧子、松本理器、池田昭夫、三國信啓、松橋眞生、花川 隆、福山秀直、下濱 俊:一次体性感覚野の皮質異形成に伴い難治部分発作と皮質反射性ミオクローヌスを示した1例.臨床神経学 第46巻 第5号335-338, 2006.
- Mikuni N, Ikeda A, Hayase Y, Amano S, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Surgical resection of an epileptogenic cortical dysplasia in the deep foot sensorimotor area. Epilepsy Behav 7(3):559-62, 2005.
- Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Hitomi T, Aoki T, Hanakawa T, Miki Y, Tomimoto H, Shimohama S, Shibasaki H: Ictal monoparesis associated with lesion in the primary somatosensory area. Neurology 65(9):1476-8, 2005.
- Wu WC, Van Gelderen P, Hanakawa T, Yaseen Z, Cohen LG: Induction of lasting changes in blood flow and blood oxygenation of the somatosensory cortex following peripheral nerve stimulation. Neuroimage 27(4):872-884, 2005.
- Dong Y, Nakamura K, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Mazziotta JC, Shibasaki H: Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese words: an fMRI study. Neurosci Res 52(2):139-45, 2005.
- Hanakawa T, Parikh S, Bruno MK, Hallett M: Finger and face representations in the ipsilateral precentral motor areas in humans. J Neurophysiol 93(5):2950-8, 2005.
- Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Nozaki K, Hanakawa T, Okada T, Mikuni N, Miki Y, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Asymptomatic microbleeds in moyamoya disease: T2*-weighted gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurosurg 102(3):470-5, 2005.
- Fukui H, Murai T, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Hanakawa T: Functional activity related to risk anticipation during performance of the Iowa Gambling Task. Neuroimage 24(1):253-259, 2005.
- 3. 関口博之、杉本直三、英保 茂、花川 隆、浦山慎一:枝単位リージョングローイングによる頭部MRAからの血管描出.電子情報通信学会論文誌 187-D-II(No. 1):126-33, 2004
- Kansaku K, Hanakawa T, Wu T, Hallett M: A shared neural network for simple reaction time. Neuroimage 22(2):904-911, 2004.
- Garraux G, Bauer A, Hanakawa T, Wu T, Kansaku K, Hallett M: Changes in brain anatomy in focal hand dystonia. Ann Neurol 55(5):736-739, 2004.
- Fridman EA, Hanakawa T, Chung M, Hummel F, Leiguarda RC, Cohen LG: Reorganization of the human ipsilesional premotor cortex after stroke. Brain 127(4):747-758, 2004.
- Lerner A, Shill H, Hanakawa T, Bushara KO, Goldfine AM, Hallett M: Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of the severity of writer's cramp symptoms. Neuroimage 21(3):904-913, 2004.
- Sohn Y, Voller B, Dimyan MA, St Clair Gibson A, Hanakawa T, Leon-Sarmiento FE, Jung HY, Hallett M: Cortical control of voluntary blinking: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Clin Neurophysiol 115(2):341-7, 2004.
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Differential activity in the premotor cortex subdivisions in humans during mental calculation and verbal rehearsal tasks: a functional MRI study. Neurosci Lett 347(3):199-201, 2003.
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Neural correlates underlying mental calculation in abacus experts: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage 19(2 Pt1):296-307, 2003.
- Hanakawa T, Immisch I, Toma K, Dimyan MA, van Gelderen P, Hallett M: Functional properties of brain areas associated with motor execution and imagery. J Neurophysiol 89(2):989-1002, 2003.
- Bushara KO, Hanakawa T, Immisch I, Toma K, Kansaku K, Hallett M: Neural correlates of cross-modal binding. Nat Neurosci 6(2):190-195, 2003.
- Hanakawa T, Honda M, Okada T, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Yonekura Y, Shibasaki H: The role of rostral Brodmann area 6 in mental operation tasks: an integrative neuroimaging approach. Cereb Cortex 12(11):1157-1170, 2002.
- Sawamoto N, Honda M, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H. Cognitive slowing in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurosci 22(12):5198-5203, 2002.
- Oyanagi C, Katsumi Y, Hanakawa T, Hayashi T, Thuy DD, Hashikawa K, Nagahama Y, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Comparison of striatal dopamine D2 receptors in Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy patients using [123I] iodobenzofuran single-photon emission computed tomography. J Neuroimaging 12(4):316-324, 2002.
- Nakamura K, Honda M, Hirano S, Oga T, Sawamoto N, Hanakawa T, Inoue H, Ito J, Matsuda T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Modulation of the visual word retrieval system in writing: a functional MRI study on the Japanese orthographies. J Cogn Neurosci 14(1):104-115, 2002.
- Oga T, Honda M, Toma K, Murase N, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Nagamine T, Konishi J, Fukuyama H, Kaji R, Shibasaki H: Abnormal cortical mechanisms of voluntary muscle relaxation in patients with writer’s cramp: an fMRI study. Brain 125(4):895-903, 2002.
- Toma K, Matsuoka T, Immisch I, Mima T, Waldovogel D, Koshy B, Hanakawa T, Shill H, Hallett M: Generators of movement-related cortical potentials: fMRI-constrained EEG dipole source analysis. Neuroimage 17:161-173, 2002.
- Hanakawa T, Ikeda A, Sadato N, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Nagamine T, Honda M, Sawamoto N, Yazawa S, Kunieda T, Ohara S, Taki W, Hashimoto N, Yonekura Y, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Functional mapping of medial frontal motor areas. The combined use of functional MRI and cortical stimulation. Exp Brain Res 138(4):403-409, 2001.
- Hanakawa T, Hashimoto S, Iga K, Segawa Y, Shibasaki H: Carotid brainstem reflex myoclonus after hypoxic brain damage. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 69(5):672-674, 2000.
- Sawamoto N, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Kanda M, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Pain distress enhances responses to somatosensory stimulus in the anterior cingulate cortex and parietal operculum/posterior insula: an event-related fMRI study. J Neurosci 20(19):7438-45, 2000.
- Nakamura K, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Parieto-occipital cortex modulated by attentional demands: implications to hemispatial neglect. J Neurol Sci 176(2):136-143, 2000.
- Nakamura K, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Toma K, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Participation of the left posterior temporal cortex in writing and mental recall of kanji orthography: a functional MRI study. Brain 123:953-967, 2000.
- Dong Y, Fukuyama H, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Nakamura K, Nagahama Y, Nagamine T, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Essential role of the right superior parietal cortex in Japanese Kana mirror reading: an fMRI study. Brain 123(4):790-9, 2000.
- Hanakawa T, Katsumi Y, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Honda M, Kimura J, Shibasaki H: Mechanisms underlying gait disturbance in Parkinson’s disease: a single photon emission computed tomography study. Brain 122(7):1271-82, 1999.
- Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Katsumi Y, Honda M, Shibasaki H: Enhanced lateral premotor activity during paradoxical gait in Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol 45(3):329-36, 1999.
- Katsumi Y, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hayashi T, Nagahama Y, Yamauchi H, Ouchi Y, Tsukada H, Shibasaki H. The effect of sequential lesioning in the basal forebrain on cerebral cortical glucose metabolism in rats: an animal PET study. Brain Res 837(1-2):75-82, 1999.
- Toma K, Honda M, Hanakawa T, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Ikeda A, Nishizawa S, Konishi J, Shibasaki H: Activities of the primary and supplementary motor areas increase in preparation and execution of voluntary muscle relaxation: an event-related fMRI study. J Neurosci 9(9):3527-34, 1999.
- Mima T, Sadato N, Yazawa S, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Yonekura Y, Shibasaki H: Brain structures related to input-output characteristics of finger movement in man. Brain 122:1989-97, 1999.
- 7Hayashi T, Fukuyama H, Katsumi Y, Hanakawa T, Nagahama Y, Yamauchi H, Tsukada H, Shibasaki H: Cerebral glucose matabolism in unilateral entorhinal cortex-lesioned rats: An animal PET study. Neuroreport 10(10): 2113-18, 1999.
- Nagahama Y, Okada T, Katsumi Y, Hayashi T, Yamauchi H, Sawamoto N, Toma K, Nakamura K, Hanakawa T, Konishi J, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Transient neural activity in the medial superior frontal gyrus and precuneus time-locked with attention shift between object features. Neuroimage 10(2):193-9, 1999.
- Hanakawa T, Nakamura M, Suenaga T, Hashimoto S: Response to corticosteroid therapy in a patient with HTLV-I associated motor neuron disease. Neurology 50(4):1188-9, 1998.
- Murai T, Hanakawa T, Sengoku A, Ban T, Yoneda Y, Fujita H, Fujita N: Temporal lobe epilepsy in a genius of natural history: MRI volumetric study of postmortem brain. Neurology 50(5):1373-6, 1998.
- Hanakawa T, Hashimoto S, Kawamura J, Nakamura M, Suenaga T, Matsuo T: Magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with segmental zoster paresis. Neurology 49; 631-2, 1997.
- Xu X, Fukuyama H, Yazawa S, Mima T, Hanakawa T, Magata Y, Kanda M, Fujiwara N, Shindo K, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H: Functional localization of pain perception in the human brain studied by positron emission tomography. Neuroreport 8:555-9, 1997.
- 花川 隆、福山秀直、秋口一郎、加藤元博、木村 淳、柴崎 浩:ジストニアを主徴とし18F-6-fluorodopa PETで異常を認めた家族性若年発症ジストニア-パーキンソニズムの一例. 臨床神経学36(5): 655-660, 1996.
- Hashimoto S, Kawamura J, Segawa Y, Harada Y, Hanakawa T, Osaki Y: Waveform changes of compound muscle action potential (CMAP) with muscle length. J Neurol Sci 124:21-4, 1994.