

Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, Nakahara H: Learning to Simulate Others' Decisions. Neuron, 74 (6): 1125-1137, 2012

Watakabe A, Hirokawa J, Ichinohe N, Ohsawa S, Kaneko T, Rockland KS, Yamamori T: Area-specific substratification of deep layer neurons in the rat cortex. J Comp Neurol., 520 (16): 3553-3573, 2012

Kurotani T, Miyashita T, Wintzer M, Konishi T, Sakai K, Ichinohe N, Rockland KS: Pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers of rat retrosplenial cortex exhibit a late-spiking firing property. Brain Struct Funct., 218 (1): 239-254, 2012

Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya, Toshiki Tani, Noritaka Ichinohe, Masato Okada: Sparse coding of harmonic vocalization in monkey auditory cortex. Neurocomputing, 103: 14-21, 2012

Noritaka Ichinohe, Elena Borra, Kathleen S. Rockland:Distinct Feedforward and Intrinsic Neurons in Posterior Inferotemporal Cortex Revealed by in Vivo Connection Imaging. Scientific Reports, 2: 934, 2012

Oga T, Aoi H, Sasaki T, Fujita I, Ichinohe N: Postnatal development of layer III pyramidal cells in the primary visual, inferior temporal, and prefrontal cortices of the marmoset. Front. Neural Circuits, 7: 31, 2012

Tanabe Y, Fujiwara Y, Matsuzaki A, Fujita E, Kasahara T, Yuasa S, Momoi T: Temporal expression and mitochondrial localization of a Foxp2 isoform lacking the forkhead domain in developing Purkinje cells. J Neurochem., 122 (1): 72-80, 2012

Araki W, Oda A, Motoki K, Hattori K, Itoh M, Yuasa S, Konishi Y, Shin RW, Tamaoka A, Ogino K:Reduction ofβ -amyloid accumulation by reticulon 3 in transgenic mice. Curr Alzheimer Res., 10 (4): 252-257, 2013

Hanazono G, Tsunoda K, Kazato Y, Suzuki W, Tanifuji M: Functional topography of rod and cone photoreceptors in macaque retina determined by retinal densitometry. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 53 (6): 2796-2803, 2012

Miyakawa N, Katsumata N, Blake DT, Merzenich MM, Tanifuji M: High-density multielectrode array with independently maneuverable electrodes and silicone oil fluid isolation system for chronic recording from macaque monkey. J Neurosci Methods, 211 (1): 114-124, 2012

Kawaguchi M, Sugahara Y, Watanabe T, Irie K, Ishida M, Kurokawa D, Kitamura S, Takata H, Handoh IC, Nakayama K, Murakami Y:Nervous system disruption and concomitant behavioral abnormality in early hatched pufferfish larvae exposed to heavy oil. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int., 19 (1): 2488-2497, 2012

Hirano K, Kaneko R, Izawa T, Kawaguchi M, Kitsukawa T, Yagi T:Single-neuron diversity generated by Protocadherin-β cluster in mouse central and peripheral nervous systems. Front Mol Neurosci.5:90, 2012
一戸紀孝 : 今さら聞けないオプトジェネティクス入門. 日本生理学雑誌 第74巻6号, 284, 2012
宮川尚久, 坂野拓, 鈴木航, 一戸紀孝: Spatial tuning of sound location is altered with visual input in the lateral belt region of marmoset.第90回日本生理学会大会, 東京, 3.28, 2012
宮川尚久, 坂野拓, 鈴木航, 一戸紀孝: Face and voice processing in marmoset temporal neural circuit.
第43回生理研国際シンポジウム, 岡崎, 11.1, 2012

Wataru SUZUKI, Taku BANNO, Naohisa MIYAKAWA, Kazuhisa SAKAI1, Toshiki TANI, Noritaka ICHINOHE: Visual response to ‘action of others’ in the superior temporal sulcus in marmoset monkey. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 10.14, 2012

Tomoyuki Namima, Masaharu Yasuda, Taku Banno, Hidehiko Komatsu:Effect of luminance contrast on the color selective responses in the inferior temporal cortex neurons of the macaque monkey.APCV 2012, Incheon, Korea, 7.13, 2012

Takayuki Sato, Ryuzaburo Nakata, Taku Banno, Narihisa Matsumoto: PrimFace: Face database of non-human primates.
第43回生理研国際シンポジウム, 岡崎, 11.1, 2012
中神明子, 一戸紀孝, 川合伸幸: マーモセットの生後初期における音声発達.日本動物心理学会第72回大会, 兵庫, 5.12, 2012

F Suto, N Osumi, N Ichinohe: Plexin-A4 regulates the development of topographic connection in the amygdaloid circuits.
第45回日本発生生物学会 第64回日本細胞生物学会 合同大会, 神戸, 5.30, 2012

坂野拓, 鈴木航, 宮川尚久, 谷利樹, 一戸紀孝: What are the objects made of: Exploring cortical mechanism of material perception in primate brain. 第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.18, 2012

境和久, 谷利樹, 坂野拓, 宮川尚久, 鈴木航, 鈴木貴子, 一戸紀孝: Connections of areas around the superior temporal sulcus (STS) in the marmoset.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.21, 2012

鈴木航, 坂野拓, 宮川尚久, 谷利樹, 一戸紀孝: Neural responses to other's action in the superior temporal sulcus of marmoset monkey.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.21, 2012

中神明子, 一戸紀孝, 川合伸幸: Developmental changes of vocalization of common marmoset infants in isolation from their parents.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.21, 2012

一戸紀孝, 小賀智文, 藤田一郎: Spinogenesis, Pruning and Changes of Dendritic Morphology of Postnatal Developing Common Marmoset Cerebral Cortex.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.21, 2012

宮川尚久, 坂野拓, 鈴木航, 一戸紀孝: マーモセット聴覚野ラテラルベルト領域神経細胞における声の音源位置表現は顔動画の偏向視覚入力により修飾される.第90回日本生理学会大会, 東京, 3.28, 2013

波間智行, 安田正治, 坂野拓, 小松英彦: Comparison of the effect of luminance contrast on the neural responses between the anterior and posterior color selective regions in monkey inferior temporal cortex.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.18, 2012

佐々木哲也, 山森哲雄:Morphological Heterogeneity of Dendritic Spines in Marmoset Neocortex.第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 9.19, 2012

川口将史, 柴田淳也, 川西亮太, 曽我部篤, 大森浩二, 松本浩司, 村上安則: カワヨシノボリの求愛行動を制御する神経基盤の解析.第83回日本動物学会, 大阪大学豊中キャンパス: 9.13, 2012

川口将史, 塚野清人, 猟山直也, 新居由佳子, 鈴木賢一, 高田裕美, 村上安則: 脊椎動物における小脳神経回路の起源.第35回日本神経科学会, 名古屋, 9.20, 2012

豊田峻輔, 川口将史, 遠山知子, 岡野正樹, 小田昌明, 小林俊寛, 平山晃斉, 平林敬浩, 八木健: クラスター構造依存的なプロモーターDNAメチル化はプロトカドヘリン遺伝子クラスター内のアイソフォーム発現の分配を制御する.第35回日本神経科学会, 名古屋, 9.19, 2012