
Message from the Director

Welcome to our homepage! Here, we are studying the mechanism for neural control of bodily movement using rodents, nonhuman primates, as well as human subjects. Based on an electrophysiological approach on the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebral cortex, we actively incorporate several advanced technologies such as optogenetics, viral vectors and machine learning. The goal is to understand the sensory-motor functions in the highly developed, and thus complex, central nervous system in the primate by elucidating brain connectivity on the cellular level. We also generate a nonhuman primate model of neurological diseases for the better understanding of the mechanisms underlying human pathology and developing cutting-edge therapeutic strategies. Working in a diverse and enriched environment, we enjoy our science and hope to make new discoveries with an influential impact on science, society and patients.

Kazuhiko SEKI
April 1st 2021
Department of Neurophysiology Director
Kazuhiko SEKI