


  • Yoshiike T, Kuriyama K, Nakasato Y, Nakamura M: Mutual relationship between somatic anxiety and insomnia in maintaining residual symptoms of depression. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 30(2), 83-93, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jbct.2020.03.012.
  • Matsui K, Komada Y, Nishimura K, Kuriyama K, Inoue Y: Prevalence and Associated Factors of Nocturnal Eating Behavior and Sleep-Related Eating Disorder-Like Behavior in Japanese Young Adults: Results of an Internet Survey Using Munich Parasomnia Screening. J Clin Med, 9(4), 1243, 2020. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041243.


  • Yoshiike T, Dallaspezia S, Kuriyama K, Yamada N, Colombo C, Benedetti F: Association of circadian properties of temporal processing with rapid antidepressant response to wake and light therapy in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 263: 72-79, 2020.
  • Miidera H, Enomoto M, Kitamura S, Tachimori H, Mishima K: Association Between the Use of Antidepressants and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Large, Population-Based Cohort Study in Japan. Diabetes Care, 43(4), 885–893,2020
  • Enomoto M, Kitamura S, Tachimori H, Takeshima M, Mishima K: Long-term use of hypnotics: Analysis of trends and risk factors. General Hospital Psychiatry, 62,49-55, 2020.
  • Abe T, Mishima K, Kitamura S, Hida A, Inoue Y, Mizuno K, Ogata K: Tracking intermediate performance of vigilant attention using multiple eye metrics. Sleep Volume 43, Issue 3, March 2020
  • Yoshiike T, Honma M, Ikeda H, Kuriyama K: Bright light exposure advances consolidation of motor skill accuracy in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 166: 107084, 2019
  • Kawamura A, Yoshiike T, Yoshimura A, Koizumi H, Nagao K, Fujii Y, Takami M, Takahashi M, Matsuo M, Yamada N, Kuriyama K: Bright light exposure augments cognitive behavioral therapy for panic and posttraumatic stress disorders: a pilot randomized control trial. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 18: 101-107, 2019.
  • Komada Y, Okajima I, Kitamura S, Inoue Y: A survey on social jetlag in Japan: a nationwide, cross-sectional internet survey. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 17(4), 417-422, 2019.
  • Kitamura S, Takahashi M, Mishima K: Sleep problem but not chronotype is associated with retirement from shift work: a cross-sectional retrospective study. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 17(3), 331-337, 2019.
  • Kitazawa M, Yoshimura M, Hitokoto H, Sato-Fujimoto Y, Murata M, Negishi K, Mimura M, Tsubota K, Kishimoto T. Survey of the Effects of Internet Usage on the Happiness of Japanese University Students. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2019. Oct. 17;151
  • Takaesu Y, Utsumi T, Okajima I, Shimura A, Kotorii N, Kuriyama K, Yamashita H, Suzuki M, Watanabe N, Mishima K: Psychosocial intervention for discontinuing benzodiazepine hypnotics in patients with chronic insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev, 48: 101214, 2019.




  • 竹島正浩,綾部直子,三島和夫:睡眠薬・抗不安薬の減薬:3剤以上使用例からの整理.臨床精神薬理23(2):147-156,2020.
  • 綾部直子:産後うつを契機とした不眠に対するCBT-Iの活用と睡眠薬減量の取り組み.睡眠医療13(4):481-486,2020.
  • 吉池卓也,栗山健一:不安関連疾患と光.精神医学61:927-933,2019.
  • 栗山健一.ストレス障害と不眠【特集ストレスと睡眠】.ねむりとマネージメント 6(2):20-23,2019.
  • 栗山健一.ヒトの睡眠生理と高次脳機能.睡眠医療 13(3):315-320.2019.
  • 栗本直樹, 栗山健一.【電気けいれん療法の実践-有効性と安全性の追求-】大うつ病性障害に対する電気けいれん療法と維持療法のあるべき姿 再発する患者を診た時に考えること.総合病院精神医学 31(1): 31-37, 2019.
  • 松野悟之, 吉池卓也, 吉村篤, 森田幸代, 藤井勇佑, 栗山健一.バランスパッドを用いた立位足底知覚トレーニング施行中の頭頂連合野の脳活動と足圧中心動揺指標との関連性の検討 高齢者2例での試み.大阪行岡医療大学紀要 6: 17-22, 2019.
  • 栗山健一.【こころを育む眠り】第74回精神保健シンポジウム「こころを育む眠り」を企画して.心と社会 50(1): 11-13, 2019
  • 坂井有里枝, 川崎翠, 森口勲, 河村葵, 栗山健一.【こころを育む眠り】医学生の睡眠と学業成績の実態調査 医学生にも眠りは重要.心と社会 50(1): 38-43, 2019.
  • 栗山健一.【不眠症の治療と睡眠薬】ベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬の是非を問う.クリニシアン 66(4): 351-356, 2019.