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Kawahara G, Okada M, Morone N, Ibarra MCA, Nonaka I, Noguchi S, Hayashi YK, Nishino I.
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A Gne knockout mouse expressing human D176V mutation develops features similar to distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles or hereditary inclusion body myopathy. Hum Mol Genet. 2007 Nov 15;16(22):2669-2682. Epub 2007 Aug 18. (世界で初めて遠位型ミオパチー(DMRV/HIBM)モデルマウス作製に成功し、治療法開発研究が可能になりました)
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Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to the emerin gene mutation. Arch Neurol. 2007 Jul;64(7):1038-1041.
Matsubara E, Tsuchiya A, Minami N, Nishino I, Pappolla MA, Shoji M, Abe K
A unique case of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A carrying novel compound heterozygous mutations in the human CAPN3 gene. Eur J Neurol. 2007 Jul;14(7):819-822.
Sugimoto S, Shiomi K, Yamamoto A, Nishino I, Nonaka I, Ohi T.
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Malicdan MC, Noguchi S, Nishino I.
Autophagy in a mouse model of distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles or hereditary inclusion body myopathy Autophagy. 2007 Jul-Aug;3(4):396-398. Epub 2007 Jul 12.
Watanabe N, Sasaoka T, Noguchi S, Nishino I, Tanaka T.
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Liewluck T, Hayashi YK, Ohsawa M, Kurokawa R, Fujita M, Noguchi S, Nonaka I, Nishino I.
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Ohsawa M, Liewluck T, Ogata K, Iizuka T, Hayashi YK, Nonaka I, Sasaki M, Nishino I.
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